About David Pisarra

With over 20 years of legal marketing, advertising and promotion experience, California Attorney David Pisarra specializes in helping attorneys get more clients.

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California Attorney and serial entrepreneur David Pisarra is the founder of The Legal Mastermind. With over 20 years of legal marketing, advertising and promotion experience, he specializes in helping attorneys get more clients.

A prolific writer, he is a weekly columnist for the Santa Monica Daily Press, and has contributed to online magazines like GoodMenProject.com. He has published over 7 books, the latest of which is:

- How I Built A 7 Figure Law Practice While Suffering from LAW PTSD.

Additionally his Men's Family Law Podcast has been downloaded over 50,000 times. And his YouTube videos have been viewed by more than 150,000 people.

He is a professional member of the National Speakers Association, podcaster, author and avid reader. A global traveler and speaker, he has presented in New Zealand, South Africa, Namibia, the United Kingdom and Mexico. 


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